Thursday, February 3, 2011

My Crazy Life

Once there was a girl named Samantha and people called her Sam .She was a girl who was scared of many things but the thing she was scared of most was her parents .Her parents would fight and argue over many things and she hated that but it will always happen .One day she was one her way home from school and when she came thru the front door her mom was dead .She looked at her dad and he was covered in blood .She was scared out of her mind she did not know what to do. So she started running because she was scared she ran and ran until she saw a car come pass .She waved her arms and a car stopped .She got in the car and they drove to the hospital to see if she was OK .Then when they were at the hospital she saw HIM . She saw the man who killed her mom her farther. She was scared she started screaming ,then her dad disappeared. At first she thought she was seeing things ,but when she came closer he touch her so she knew it was real. The trip back home was scary, she knew she couldn't go back home so she went to her aunts house. The first night she fell right to sleep, but she had many dreams, dreams about her mother. So she stayed up half of the night looking up at the celling, because she was scared half to death. The next day she got dressed and ate and looked outside. When she looked outside she saw her mom. She knew that was her mom because she had the ring her mom gave her on ,and she had on her favorite slippers.

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